
Last week, we covered what you should do to prepare for hurricane season. This week, we are providing tips on what to do during and after a storm. Depending on your location, you could be told to evacuate before a warning or even a watch is issued by the National Hurricane Center. Remember to always notify someone unaffected by the storm of your whereabouts.

If you are in a high risk area and are asked to evacuate, make sure to:

  • Follow all instructions from local officials, and leave immediately when told to do so.
  • Bring identification.
  • Bring prescriptions with you.
  • Bring copies of important paper.
  • Bring blankets, sleeping bags, books and games.
  • Attempt to elevate contents of your home to the highest level possible; if you have a second floor, this would be ideal.
  • Unplug appliances; turn off electricity and main water valve.
  • Lock windows and doors before leaving.

If you are not told to evacuate, it is important to:

  • Stay at home! Leave the roads available for those who must evacuate and for emergency personnel.
  • Clean bathtub with bleach, fill with water for washing and flushing (not drinking).
  • Set fridge to maximum cold and keep closed.
  • Turn off utilities if told to do so by local officials.

During a Hurricane—Be Cautious

  • Go to an interior room on the lowest level of the structure in which you are taking shelter.
  • Stay away from windows and doors, even if they’re covered with shutters or plywood.
  • During extremely strong winds, lie under something sturdy such as a stairwell or large piece of furniture.
  • Do not go outside, not even when the eye of the storm is passing over. If the eye passes directly over you, the winds could become very weak, but only for a very short period. It will not be long before hurricane-force winds resume.

After a Hurricane—continued diligence and safe practice is of paramount importance, so remember that:

  • Help might not come for up to a few days, and power could be out for days or even weeks.
  • When possible, wait for direction from emergency personnel.
  • Avoid driving on roads covered by water and/or debris. It is often difficult to determine the depth of water covering a road. Turn around, don’t drown!
  • Avoid downed power lines. Stay away from objects that are touching a downed power line, such as a fence or tree.
  • Do not touch anything electrical if you are wet. Stay out of water that could be touching anything electrical, such as in a basement with electrical appliances, or in flooded areas outside where there could be downed power lines.
  • Only use a generator in an outdoor, well-ventilated area, and closely follow manufacturer’s instructions. Many people have died in the aftermath of a hurricane from inhalation of poorly ventilated carbon monoxide from a generator.
  • Use flashlights instead of candles for light. Candles pose a serious fire hazard.

The most important strategy to employ throughout such emergencies is to remain calm and focused. We cannot control the forces of nature, but we can act in concert with common sense and minimize impact. Stay Safe!

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