How are your New Year resolutions going?  Have you resolved to take better care of yourself?  Are you making strides in achieving a healthier you – mind, body and soul? At Gurwin, we have resolved to help you make some small changes throughout the year that will help you achieve your goal.  Last month, we suggested you donate blood – one blood donation can help save as many as five lives!  If you did it, you know how wonderful it feels to help others.  For February, it’s time to take care of yourself. February is National Heart Month, and what better time than now to begin to add a little exercise to your routine?  And we’re not talking an hour a day in the gym, lifting weights and running on a treadmill – we’re talking exercise that’s easy to incorporate into your weekly or daily routine that will give your health a boost! Exercise helps us in so many ways – it’s good for our brains, our muscles and bones, and, most importantly, our cardiovascular health.  We know it’s hard to get started, so start small:  take the stairs instead of the elevator.  As the weather improves, take a walk during lunch, or park far from entrances to force yourself to walk more.  Stretch while watching television, or walk around the block after dinner.  As you become more active, you will want to find other ways to add activity:  walk, bike, dance or swim for 20-30 minutes, just three times a week.  Small changes can have huge results! It’s easy to make excuses about “not having enough time,” but don’t you owe it to yourself, your family and your friends to make yourself a priority?  Put yourself on your “To Do” list, and add a little activity each and every day.  Keep your resolution to achieve a healthier you in 2014!

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