It’s July, the heat is on, and many of us get lazy about taking care of ourselves. How are you doing with your resolution to take better care of yourself? Are you making strides in achieving a healthier you—mind, body and soul? At Gurwin, we’ve resolved to help you make some small changes throughout the year that will help you achieve your goal, and we give you tips to help on the first Tuesday of the month to get you there. So far, we suggested you donate blood, add a little exercise, make small changes to your eating habits, reduce your stress, find time to volunteer, and care for the skin you’re in. This month, we focus on a resolution to hydrate. Do you drink enough water? According to the Institute of Medicine, most of us need between nine and 13 cups of fluid per day to stay well-hydrated. If you are drinking from a 20 oz. bottle, that would be approximately three to five bottles each day. The rest of the water we need each day comes from some of the foods we eat, such as fruits and vegetables. It is good to consider all fluids, including tea, coffee, juices, milk and soups (excluding alcohol, which is very dehydrating) as part of your daily fluid intake. Caffeinated beverages may have a slight diuretic effect, but it is fine to include them in your daily total. Getting enough fluids provides many benefits, including maintaining the balance of body fluids, helping to control calorie intake, energizing muscles, keeping skin looking good, and maintaining kidney and bowel function. Sweat, exercise, hot weather and fever are a few situations that increase our water needs. These needs can actually double in some situations, so it is important to stay alert to your body’s signals that you are becoming dehydrated. Feeling thirsty is one signal that all of us feel, but at that point we are often already becoming dehydrated. Dehydration can cause fatigue and difficulty focusing, can negatively impact exercise, and increases the risk of developing kidney stones, gallstones, urinary tract infections and headaches. Tips for maintaining adequate hydration:
  • Take your water bottle with you as a reminder to drink.
  • Add fresh lemon or lime slices to your water to add flavor.
  • Try a frozen fruit bar or ice pop as a snack or dessert.
  • Always begin exercise well-hydrated.
  • Drink enough to prevent becoming thirsty.
Maintaining proper hydration is key to optimal health. Resolve to drink your water today!

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