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The flu has become the topic of conversation this week—just as it does about this time every year. With widespread flu reported in a majority of the country, it’s a good time to remember that you can still protect yourself, lessening your chances of getting the flu. When you’re talking infectious diseases, the flu is one of the deadliest, responsible for the deaths of nearly 24,000 Americans each year.

Here are five tips to help you keep healthy this flu season:

  • Wash your hands at least eight times a day. That’s once before each time you eat, after each time you use the bathroom and any other time your hands may be dirty, such as after touching something in a public place.
  • Avoid touching your face. The average person touches his or her face more than 200 times a day. If your hands are dirty, your face will be dirty. Dirty means germs, and germs mean you could get sick.
  • Try to avoid sick people. Of course, this is sometimes impossible, but whenever possible, stay at least six feet from those who appear to be under the weather.
  • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, using the crook of your elbow.
  • Get the flu shot. You may have heard that this year’s flu strain, H3N2, isn’t included in the flu vaccine, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get your flu shot. Even if the shot is only 33% effective at preventing the flu, it will still protect you from some flu viruses.

The flu isn’t just the sniffles. It can be a serious illness, especially for young children, the elderly and those with compromising medical conditions. Do your part to keep yourself and others flu-free!

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