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We constantly hear the question: How do you know when it’s time for my loved one to move to an assisted living community? Frankly, we don’t like that question, because it focuses on something being wrong. At Gurwin, our focus is on the positive, and so the real question is do you know how much there is to gain from moving to an Assisted Living community? Working in assisted living for close to two decades now, I see every day how much better our elders do when they are surrounded by opportunities—to learn, socialize, work out and generally engage in life!

Assisted Living: A Better Way to Live

Assisted Living is relatively new to our society, so we need to educate people on why assisted living could be a better way to live. I think everyone can agree that once we establish ourselves and build our home, we don’t want to leave it. The problem arises when that home becomes lonely: the neighborhood changes, we change and cannot take advantage of the very things we moved to that area for. Right there is the best place to start: assisted living communities seek to provide and promote the best of the things in life that we all want: opportunity, activity, health and safety—all while maintaining our independence. The fact is, in assisted living every resident can have their own apartment. Think of it as an apartment building. You do what you want to do, see whom you want to see, and come and go as you please. The difference is that we help our residents achieve those goals by providing services that free them from chores. We are the housekeepers, the cooks, the gardeners, plumbers and electricians. Residents are free from upkeep and maintenance to do what makes them happy and healthy.

So, what do they do with all that free time? Well, what would you do? There are opportunities for physical fitness in group classes, as well as in a state-of-the-art gym staffed by a personal trainer (by the way, they are ALL included in the rent). We provide opportunities for socializing, regardless of whether you are an initiator or a follower. Communal living means there are always people around so residents can be spontaneous and “do their own thing,” relying less on family to make things happen.

We hear people say they wish they could live with their family, but too often that means renovations to a home that is not really safe for someone whose mobility is becoming more limited. Let’s say you do make the modifications, how many people today are really home during the day? Your loved one may be safe with you, but they are probably still going to be alone. Assisted living residences are designed to provide safe and accessible facilities across the board and provide a wealth of opportunity to be involved with others.

Ever find yourself worried that your loved one is not eating properly? With three meals a day of carefully designed menus to accommodate just about every dietary restriction, that worry is removed. Meals are prepared on the premises, so you know they’re fresh, healthy, and yes, delicious! There are typically private dining rooms for family and friends to dine together. The concept is to bring families closer and allow them to continue doing what they love.

So often we find out when visiting older family members that they simply are not caring for themselves or their homes the way they used to do. Short of hiring a private aide who is always there, how do you assist a loved one with daily needs? By having staff on site, available to assist as needed, we make sure your loved one can still live independently and relieve you of the sole responsibility of making sure their needs are met. Talk about stress reduction! Which leads me to my final thought: with all these opportunities for better health, self-care and socialization, everyone’s stress is reduced, allowing for a real chance for quality time with those you love. Why not let someone else do the work? You enjoy time with your family, let us do the work.

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