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The flu season is fast approaching, and it is important that everyone get vaccinated in order to be protected from getting sick from this year’s flu virus. By getting the vaccine, we are not only protecting ourselves, we are protecting everyone we care for! Prevention is always the first step with any illness.

Besides getting the vaccine, there are a number of things you can do to prevent getting sick or spreading germs:

  • Wash your hands frequently using warm water and soap, scrubbing for 15-20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizers may be used.
  • Avoid touching your face, unless your hands are clean. Your eyes, nose and mouth are easy ways for the flu virus to enter your body.
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, or cough and sneeze into your elbow. Dispose of tissues immediately, and wash your hands.
  • Get plenty of rest, and manage your stress. Lack of sleep and high stress levels can reduce your body’s ability to fight off the flu.
  • Drink lots of water. Even if you are not thirsty, you should drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
  • Eat healthy. It’s recommended that we eat five to nine servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid sharing objects, such as cups, utensils, phones and keyboards. Where possible, wipe down shared equipment before using.
  • Maintain a moderate exercise program to strengthen your immune system and increase your body’s natural ability to fight infection.
  • Listen to your body. Stay home and rest if you have a fever and are coughing. Rest will help you recover faster, and keep you from spreading the virus.

When visiting family or friends in a hospital or long-term care facility, be sure you are not exhibiting any flu-like symptoms. Be sure to cover any open wounds like cuts or scratches, as they are entry portals for the flu virus. Don’t bring the flu with you, and be sure you don’t take it home—wash your hands as soon as you leave the facility.

This flu season, let’s all practice good health habits, and minimize our risk of getting and spreading the flu. These prevention tips will keep your immune system healthy, which will decrease your risk of getting sick.

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