Know the Lingo

As we age, or we care for aging family members, it can sometimes become confusing when dealing with all the different types of care available, and the terminology used by professionals when discussing...


Modifying Holiday Celebrations for Loved Ones with Dementia

holding hands

Picture-perfect parties, over-the-top decorations, loud and crowded family gatherings and the biggest and best gifts –Hollywood’s depiction of the holidays sets the bar high for celebrations, and can ...


Medications & Food: Be Aware of Common, Possibly Harmful Interactions

Healthy eating is important for everyone, but sometimes the foods we think of as most healthy can be harmful when we are taking certain medications.  It is always important to read the instructio...


Age Matters When It Comes to Medications

Summer is finally just around the corner, and we all deserve some nice weather after a long, cold winter!  If you haven’t already, try to get outside and enjoy the sunshine (with sunscreen or protecti...


Why Is My Mouth So Dry? Five Steps to Alleviate Dry Mouth Symptoms

Dry mouth can happen to anyone. It is not a natural occurrence with age, however, it does occur with certain health issues—such as diabetes and autoimmune diseases (i.e. Lupus)—and certain medications...


Beating the Winter Blues

Do you suffer from the “winter blues?”  Do you regularly sleep more often, have little energy, and crave sweets or starchy foods in the winter months? Do you often feel sad, depressed, anxious or unin...


Five Keys to Successful Communication with Those with Memory Loss

Communication is the key to having a happy and successful relationship. However, as our loved ones age, some may become forgetful, and the basis of our relationships may change. Communication can beco...


Making Memories: How to Have a Meaningful Visit with Loved Ones

Visiting a loved one in a nursing home or hospital during the holidays? Here’s a simple guide to making it a memorable visit. During the holidays, our residents and patients look forward to visits by...


Is Palliative Care Right for Your Loved One?

Palliative Care and Hospice Care are often confused, because the overall goal of both is to improve a patient’s and family’s quality of life during the time of illness.  Palliative Care is the overall...


What is COPD?

November is COPD Awareness Month.  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. It is caused by damage to the lungs over many years, usually from smoki...


Thinking Ahead: Advance Directives

Advance directives, those legal documents that spell out your wishes for end-of-life care, are not something most people want to discuss, which is why many of us wait until a time of crisis to think a...