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Use Holiday Gatherings To Assess Aging Loved Ones


The end of the year often includes celebrations that bring families together after weeks or even months apart. In addition to new memories made at these holiday gatherings, they may also reveal signs ...


Senior Fall Prevention Tips

According to the Centers for Disease Control, each year one out of every three people over the age of 65 falls. In this age group, falls are the leading cause of injury and death, and are the most com...


9 Tips to Make Caregiving Easier

Gurwin Healthcare System Tips for Caring for Elderly Parents

Caring for an older parent, relative or friend is often a labor of love, but can be daunting as well. As a caregiver, you may face a host of new roles and responsibilities, many of which can be unfami...


Modifying Holiday Celebrations for Loved Ones with Dementia

holding hands

Picture-perfect parties, over-the-top decorations, loud and crowded family gatherings and the biggest and best gifts –Hollywood’s depiction of the holidays sets the bar high for celebrations, and can ...


Four Tips for Seniors Out in the Cold

Cold is no fun for anyone, but it can be dangerous for seniors, who tend to have a thinner fat layer beneath the skin and who take medications that could cause poor circulation or thin blood.  Bo...


A SMART Path to Reaching Healthy Goals

By Christina Frangione, RD, CDN Do you have a less-than-healthy habit you’ve been meaning to change? The good news is that it’s never too late to work on it! It might seem overwhelming to think abo...


7 Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

By Christina Jones, RN, BSN,  Assistant Director of Nursing, Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center February is American Heart Month, a perfect time to focus on what we’re doing to ...


Cholesterol: What You Need to Know And 10 Tips to Keep Yours in Check

Most people know high cholesterol increases your risk for heart disease, heart attacks and stroke, but what they don’t know is whether or not they have high levels. High cholesterol has no symptoms, s...


It’s World Health Day: Eight Tips to Improve Your Health TODAY

By Julie Yerkes, RN Sometimes small changes can have a big impact on your overall health and well-being.  In honor of World Health Day, we’ve compiled the following list of eight tips you can ...


7 Reasons A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Should Be Your New BFF

by Stefanie Grzancic RDN, CDN March is National Nutrition Month, an annual awareness program created by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to encourage healthy living through proper nutrition. ...


February is Therapeutic Recreation Month!

February is National Therapeutic Recreation Month, and this provides an opportunity for us to educate the public about what TR is, and why it’s important.  Therapeutic Recreation is a process tha...


6 Myths and the Truth about the Flu Vaccine

It’s flu vaccine time.  And with all the positive information out there regarding the importance of getting vaccinated, especially for children, the elderly and those with chronic illness, there ...