Why Is My Mouth So Dry? Five Steps to Alleviate Dry Mouth Symptoms

Dry mouth can happen to anyone. It is not a natural occurrence with age, however, it does occur with certain health issues—such as diabetes and autoimmune diseases (i.e. Lupus)—and certain medications...


Resolutions for a Better You: 9 Tips to Help Keep Your Weight Loss Resolution

It’s finally March, and hopefully the beginning of the end of a long, cold winter. Have you been keeping up with your resolutions by incorporating the tips we provide to you at the beginning of the mo...


9 Tips for Being a Good Caregiver

Acting as a caregiver to a loved one can be a very fulfilling experience, but may also be one of the hardest times in one’s life. The challenges faced are unlike any other, and you may find that honin...


Are Supplements the Right Choice for You?

Multivitamins and supplements are a billion-dollar industry, with global vitamin industry sales last year totaling more than $23 billion. But are these supplements worth the price? With an estimated 4...


Resolutions for a Better You: Add a Little Exercise

How are your New Year resolutions going?  Have you resolved to take better care of yourself?  Are you making strides in achieving a healthier you – mind, body and soul? At Gurwin, we have resolved to...


Beating the Winter Blues

Do you suffer from the “winter blues?”  Do you regularly sleep more often, have little energy, and crave sweets or starchy foods in the winter months? Do you often feel sad, depressed, anxious or unin...


10 Foods to Help You Stay Healthy this Flu Season

You got your flu shot.  You wash your hands, cover your mouth, and stay away from others who might be sick.  But are you really doing all you can to stay healthy this flu season?  According to many ph...


Laughter…It IS the Best Medicine

When was the last time you had a good belly laugh? Medical research now confirms that laughter is a powerful medicine in alleviating the impact that stressful events have on our lives. In addition, st...


Resolutions for a Better You: Give Blood

Each year, we all make resolutions in January, and often we forget about them by the time spring is in the air.  This year, we would like to suggest a few resolutions that may be easier to keep, ones ...


Stress: A Definition & Strategies to Cope

To be alive is to experience stress.   The father of the stress concept, Hans Selye, described stress as a “normal and natural part of life.” But what causes deep distress in one person may not cause...


Caring for the Caregiver: Beginning the Grieving Process

As caregivers, we willingly take care of family or friends. There are doctor’s appointments to go to, special diets to adhere to, trips to drug stores, and sleepless nights. We often put our own lives...


What is COPD?

November is COPD Awareness Month.  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. It is caused by damage to the lungs over many years, usually from smoki...