Every Day is Mother’s Day

by Rabbi Zev Schostak Mother’s day is this coming Sunday, May 8. Where did this holiday come from? Just how important is a day to honor our moms? Ever since Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother...


What Does December Gift-Giving Mean to You?

It might be a warm sweater for grandma, the newest electronic gadget for your teenager, or a watch for dad.  But, for millions of Americans, December also marks the time for year-end charitable g...


Will You Make a Difference?

Most of us remember the story of the man walking along the beach, watching a young boy throw stranded starfish back into the water.  As the boy tossed one after another back into the surf, the ma...


The Benefits of Assisted Living

We constantly hear the question: How do you know when it’s time for my loved one to move to an assisted living community? Frankly, we don’t like that question, because it focuses on something being wr...


All Our Prayers Go to the Same Address

We are shocked and saddened by all that is going on in the world: beheadings by ISIS, Hamas’ use of innocent civilians as human shields to protect their terrorists, killings and rapes in Darfur, hosta...


Matzoh Madness

Passover began at sundown yesterday, and nothing says “Passover” like matzoh! We asked the residents of Gurwin Jewish ~ Fay J. Lindner Residences, Gurwin’s assisted living community in Commack, for th...


Growing Older Without Growing Old: The Secrets of Aging in the Jewish Tradition

The great conundrum of aging: we want to live to a ripe old age, but we don’t want to become “old” in the process. While we pray for a long life and the good health to enjoy it,...