9 Tips to Make Caregiving Easier

Gurwin Healthcare System Tips for Caring for Elderly Parents

Caring for an older parent, relative or friend is often a labor of love, but can be daunting as well. As a caregiver, you may face a host of new roles and responsibilities, many of which can be unfami...


5 Signs Your Aging Parent May Need More Care

mother and daughter at our long island skilled nursing community

As adult children, it’s human nature to view our aging parents through rose-colored glasses.  After all, they are the wise, strong-bodied individuals who nurtured us, then became our friends and ...


Having the Conversation: Talking to Your Parent about Assisted Living

an adult daughter and senior mother

As we get older, many of us are cast in the role of a caretaker to a parent or other aging loved one.  Whether they need a little or a lot of help, there may come a time that moving to an Assiste...


Four Tips to Keep Allergies in Check This Summer

Allergies for Senior citizens

Ah, the weather is finally warming up and summer is just around the corner!  Although we are all ready for the sunshine, for many, this beautiful weather – and new blooming foliage – comes ...


Celebrating the Passover Seder

Pesach, in English called Passover, lasts for eight days in America and has both agricultural and historical significance. It represents the beginning of  the harvest season in Israel. Passover’s name...


Using Nutrition to Fend Off Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.  It’s estimated that more than 6 million Americans suffer from this permanent and progressive di...


Coronavirus Reflections

Rabbi Uri Lesser

by Rabbi Uri Lesser Over the past number of weeks, many different thoughts have come to my mind.  These thoughts and reflections have changed from time to time as the days and weeks pass by. ...


The Flu Shot is Nothing to Sneeze At!

Flu season is here — time to get your vaccination!  The flu, or influenza virus, can be a serious disease that has the potential to lead to hospitalization, especially in the very young, pr...


Resolutions for a Better You: Resolve to Reduce Your Stress

By Dawn Lettau, CTRSDirector of Therapeutic Recreation It’s April – four months into the new year.  Did you resolve to take better care of yourself? Are you making strides in achieving a healt...


When to Worry About a Wound

By Johanna Graham, RN, NCC, WCC Bumps, cuts and bruises are an inevitable part of everyday living, and no cause for great concern when we are young. For those over 60, however, minor skin tears can...


Want to Feel Like a Million Bucks? Volunteer!

By Kathleen Donnelly, Director of Volunteer Services A great deal of recent news coverage has focused on some very big lottery jackpots… and the dreams and wishes of the millions who bought a t...


Gift Giving Ideas for Loved Ones with Dementia

By Dorian Froelich, LMSWDirector of Social Work, Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so the song goes, but the demands of the holiday season ...