Caring for the Caregiver: Beginning the Grieving Process

As caregivers, we willingly take care of family or friends. There are doctor’s appointments to go to, special diets to adhere to, trips to drug stores, and sleepless nights. We often put our own lives...


Making Memories: How to Have a Meaningful Visit with Loved Ones

Visiting a loved one in a nursing home or hospital during the holidays? Here’s a simple guide to making it a memorable visit. During the holidays, our residents and patients look forward to visits by...


Is Palliative Care Right for Your Loved One?

Palliative Care and Hospice Care are often confused, because the overall goal of both is to improve a patient’s and family’s quality of life during the time of illness.  Palliative Care is the overall...


Understanding the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D)

Medicare has an optional benefit—known as Medicare Part D—that provides those who are eligible for Medicare supplemental insurance to help pay for prescription drugs (Medicare does not provide any cov...


Thinking Ahead: Advance Directives

Advance directives, those legal documents that spell out your wishes for end-of-life care, are not something most people want to discuss, which is why many of us wait until a time of crisis to think a...


What if No One Volunteered?

Volunteering is inherent in the fabric of America. From Benjamin Franklin’s Philadelphia fire brigade to the early settlers who helped one another build houses and barns, people have relied on one ano...


Medication Safety: What You Should Know

It is estimated that 28% of hospitalizations among seniors are due to adverse drug reactions. Medication-related problems are among the five top causes of death in people 65 years old and older, after...


It’s Hurricane Season: Are You Ready? — Part II

Last week, we covered what you should do to prepare for hurricane season. This week, we are providing tips on what to do during and after a storm. Depending on your location, you could be told to evac...


It’s Hurricane Season: Are You Ready? –Part 1

It’s difficult to believe that almost a year has passed since our encounter with Super Storm Sandy. For many Long Islanders, it has been a year of rebuilding and getting back to normal, a costly year ...


Time to Get Vaccinated

Summer drawing to a close means we are quickly approaching the flu season. The flu (or influenza) is a contagious disease that spreads around the United Sates every winter. It can spread through being...


Growing Older Without Growing Old: The Secrets of Aging in the Jewish Tradition

The great conundrum of aging: we want to live to a ripe old age, but we don’t want to become “old” in the process. While we pray for a long life and the good health to enjoy it,...


The Value of Home Care

Whether you’re one of the growing number of seniors in America (those over 85 are the fastest growing segment of the population!), or charged with the sometimes daunting task of caring for one, it is ...