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Each year, we all make resolutions in January, and often we forget about them by the time spring is in the air.  This year, we would like to suggest a few resolutions that may be easier to keep, ones that will help you become healthier – mind, body and soul! Check back at the beginning of every month for an easy tip that you can incorporate into your routine.  Whether it’s becoming a blood donor or volunteer, decreasing your sodium and fat intake, or exercising more each day, each of our tips will help you become a little healthier and a little happier in 2014. JANUARY’S RESOLUTION:  Become a Blood Donor A great way to start the New Year and feel good about ourselves is by giving back and helping others.  You can do this by donating blood at one of the many community blood drives that pop up at this time of year. In order to give blood, you must be at least 17 years old (or have parental consent) and weigh at least 110 pounds. It takes less than an hour in total, and the time you spend will save the life of at least one person. In fact, for every donation, 3-5 lives can be saved. That is a very powerful motivator! New York Blood Services conducts blood drives every day of the week at local schools, libraries, fire departments and hospitals – go online to nybloodcenter.org to find a drive nearest you, or to make an appointment at one of their collection facilities.  You can also call 1-800-933-2566. This year, make it your resolution to Give the Gift of Life.  Donate blood!

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