Use Holiday Gatherings To Assess Aging Loved Ones


The end of the year often includes celebrations that bring families together after weeks or even months apart. In addition to new memories made at these holiday gatherings, they may also reveal signs ...


Senior Fall Prevention Tips

According to the Centers for Disease Control, each year one out of every three people over the age of 65 falls. In this age group, falls are the leading cause of injury and death, and are the most com...


9 Tips to Make Caregiving Easier

Gurwin Healthcare System Tips for Caring for Elderly Parents

Caring for an older parent, relative or friend is often a labor of love, but can be daunting as well. As a caregiver, you may face a host of new roles and responsibilities, many of which can be unfami...


Having the Conversation: Talking to Your Parent about Assisted Living

an adult daughter and senior mother

As we get older, many of us are cast in the role of a caretaker to a parent or other aging loved one.  Whether they need a little or a lot of help, there may come a time that moving to an Assiste...


Holiday Gift Giving Tips for Seniors in Long-term Care Facilities

By Dawn Lettau, CTRS Director of Therapeutic Recreation, Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center The holidays are here and the shopping frenzy is underway! Spending hours at the mall on a...