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The winter season can be beautiful, especially when the ground and trees are covered with brilliant white snow.  Although beautiful, snow and cold temperatures can make life challenging, especially for our seniors.

The top three challenges faced by many seniors in the cold weather months are falls, hypothermia and depression.  Check out these winter weather safety tips to keep yourself or the seniors in your life healthy throughout the winter.


Slippery sidewalks and outside steps pose the most danger to seniors who have to go outside in the extreme cold or snowy conditions.  A simple walk to the mailbox can be hazardous if the path is not cleared.  Whenever possible, stick to cleared sidewalks, and wear appropriate shoes with traction (not house slippers).  Salt areas that have or are prone to ice, or have someone do it for you.  Stock up on supplies to minimize the number of times you have to venture out in bad weather.

Hypothermia (low body temperature)

Hypothermia is a lower-than-average body temperature, and this can happen more easily as we get older and move around less.  Preventing hypothermia, however, is relatively easy.  First, seniors should keep their home thermostats at 68 degrees (ask for assistance from the LIHEAP if you need help paying your utility bill).  Layer clothing to keep warm, and eat well to keep your metabolism moving.  Finally, when going out be sure your head is covered and you are wearing gloves.  (Those with diabetes, poor circulation and arthritis should be extra cautious when going out in the cold due to a potentially dangerous lack of sensation in the extremities, preventing them from feeling the effects of the cold.)


When the weather is bad, we tend to see less of the people we care for.  Being restricted from social activities can be depressing.  Keep in touch with friends and family through the phone, face time, e-mail or other ways to keep your mind stimulated and interest piqued.  Stock up on books or movies to help pass the time till the weather rebounds.

Cold weather can also cause dryness to frail and elderly skin.  Keep skin moist by drinking lots of water and eating soups or other liquid-based foods.  If possible, use a humidifier in the house to keep the air from becoming too dry, and moisturize skin daily with creams or lotions, especially after showers or baths.

Before you know it, spring will be here.  Keep warm and stay safe this winter!

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