Long Island Palliative & Hospice Care

Caring for you: mind, body and soul

The palliative care team at Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center provides care and comfort to patients with serious illness and their families.   They help to alleviate physical, emotional and spiritual pain and suffering, custom-tailored for each patient, in a warm and caring environment.

Our goal is aggressive management of symptoms—such as pain, shortness of breath, nausea, difficulty sleeping and others—to relieve suffering, while also offering support and resources to improve quality of life. Unlike hospice care, palliative care is available at any stage of an illness, even during treatments aimed at a cure. Our team works with both the patient and the family to guide them through this life-changing time.

Hospice Care is provided through a contract with Good Shepherd Hospice, providing all comfort and support services needed to help a terminally-ill patient and their family members.

Contact us to learn more about Palliative & Hospice Care at Gurwin.

A patient receiving Palliative or Hospice care at Gurwin can expect the high-quality healthcare services for which Gurwin is known. These services are specially-tailored to each patient’s individual needs, and can include the following services:

Enhanced nursing care with specially trained nursing assistants

Medical care by experienced practitioners

Individual, group, and family support groups

Massage therapy

Private rooms with sleeping accommodations for loved ones (when available)

Focused pastoral care services

Therapeutic recreation tailored to the patient’s needs and abilities

Patient/family lounge

Trained volunteer staff

These services include a partnership of doctors, nurses, specialists, patients and families looking to improve a patient’s quality of life during a serious or terminal illness.