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David Robinson & Tibby Brown


David Robinson & Tibby Brown

Friendship is important, and Tibby Brown says that the friends she’s made since she’s moved in to Gurwin’s assisted living community have become very dear. “Friendship gives you a sense of belonging, which is very important,” Tibby says. Always a very social person, Tibby enjoys spending time with people she likes. “I like to be busy, and I like to spend time with my friends,” she says, poking fellow Lindner Residences resident David Robinson with her elbow. He laughs, acknowledging their friendship, and their mutual respect for one another. “Tibby has a singular sense of humor that is really special,” David says of his friend. “She’s a good friend…a real good friend.” Tibby and David say they are part of a pretty great group of friends who like to have fun. “It took a little bit of time, but we found one another and now we’re set for life! I enjoy their company, and I think they enjoy mine!” Tibby says.